​Dena Taylor
IMC's 2014 Best Female Jazz Artist
"It's not enough for music to BE good, it also has to DO good!"

Mission Statement:
To get lullabies into the ears and hearts of those who need soothing.

If the request is approved (find the form below), recipients will either receive the CD, a download code or one of our Player Gift Boxes depending on availability and the recipient's need. Any of these is without charge!
I had been asked for years to do a CD of lullabies but it seemed there was always another project that required attention. Sometimes it was just my own life situations. Regardless of the reason, universal timing proves to be perfect and I officially went to work on “Lullabies” in October, 2014. All of the music tracks were laid down and it was time for me to do the final vocals when I overworked my vocal cords while fighting a bad cold. That meant silence and rest – I wasn’t able to get back to work until the 29th. At that point it was still “just” a lovely CD of lullabies. Then, on November 4, the news broke about the torture and beating death of a wee little red headed 3 year old named Scotty McMillan, simply because he didn’t want to eat his breakfast.
Like so many people all over the country, I was shattered by Scotty’s story. It made it almost impossible to walk into the studio – every time I opened my mouth to sing his face would flash in my mind. I took a couple of days off, and while away I decided that maybe I couldn’t help Scotty, but I COULD consider this CD a way of returning something of beauty and positivity back into the universe on his behalf. I did something I’d never done before – dedicated a CD to a specific person. In Scotty McMillan’s honor I have created The Lullaby Project.
The purpose of The Lullaby Project is to provide something that can offer comfort and be soothing to people – primarily children – in high stressed or displaced situations. Lately it has become clear that adults are benefiting from the gentle music on this album as well so the Lullaby Project is also offering music to veterans. Based on an approved request, The Lullaby Project sends out the music as a physical copy of the CD or as a Player Gift Box. We welcome your requests especially those from veterans living with PTSD.
A portion of every sale made through my website's Music Store or through my webstore directly (www.denataylor.bandcamp.com) will go directly to The Lullaby Project and will be used to cover a portion of expenses (remember there is NO charge to recipients).
This is the who!!! Just 2 of the reasons!!!
The Lullaby Project is there for children AND adults. It's been the surprise of the project
that it is touching both groups .. from children with illnesses or upheaval as well
as adults with life-threatening illnesses and, very important to me, veterans with PTSD.
What a blessing this has been for me and I am so grateful!

Meet Grayson and his sister, Sophie! Grayson is battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Grayson got a TLP Gift Box to take with him on hospital & doctor visits and Sophie got a specially autographed CD (because the whole family is in this fight!!!).
I got this wonderful photo and the following message from the Hand Family: "I wanted to show you this picture. My kids are both upstairs cuddling in Sophies bed, listening to lullabies together. Thank you for the amazing gift of peace!"
To learn more about Grayson's fight with ALL, please visit his Facebook page!
To learn more about Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), visit The Mayo Clinic's Information Page!
The Cirillos live in Massachusetts with their just turned 4 year old son, Marco, and their 2 year old daughter, Grace. Marco got a Player Gift Box so that he can take it to the hospital with him .. he spends an awful time of time at and in Boston Childrens' Hospital. We also sent a CD so that Grace has listen while she's at Grampa & Grandma's .. that's where she stays when Marco is away.
Marco is battling a really nasty Stage 4 High-Risk Neuroblastoma. Treatment lasts for a total of 18 months. This little trooper has already endured 5 rounds of chemo, has had surgery to remove the main tumor AND Radiation Therapy (MIBG).
I first learned about Marco through my dog's Facebook page. Yep .. he has a page and we try to do positive things through it when we can. Right now, the Cirillos are Spencer's "Cancer Sucks" Family and we send cards and small gifts to the kids so that the mailbox has more than just medical bills and copies of lab reports!
To learn more about Stage 4 High-Risk Neuroblastoma, visit The Mayo Clinic's Information Page!